The States

One of those priceless late summer evenings, when the first sniff of fall is in the air…

All Images Copyright Brent Daniel, 2020

You’ll find me somewhere north of the Utah/Arizona border with a head full of stars and a pocket full of sand. Few places I’d rather be.

Both make for a great evening.

Smoke from the Cameron Peak Fire tints the evening sky.

Sangre de Cristo Range, Colorado

Two days' paddle into the Everglades backcountry. The show doesn't play every night, and they never seem to announce it in advance, but it's pretty spectacular when you catch one…

Ozark Mountains, Arkansas.

Lyons, Colorado

Amazing what a little wind, water, and time can conspire to create…

Hard to imagine a much more relaxing way to start a morning. Sunrise paddle. Lake Powell, UT.

My uncle’s old bottle of sour mash whiskey waiting for a very special occasion.

This is a Bug.

Summer storm over the Sangre de Cristo Range. Colorado.

Funny how a little fog — by obscuring some things, can make others clearer. Must be a life lesson in there somewhere…

Smoke from fires in the Gore Range and Williams Fork Mountains settles into the foothills along Colorado’s Front Range.

Wailea Beach, Maui.

Important stuff. The same astronomical process has been going on every evening for more than four billion years. The sun rises. The sun sets. Still, some days it's worth making time to appreciate the things we take completely for granted. Wailea, Maui.

And on the right side of the vehicle, ... Heaven. I don't know about you, but the little farm with the red roofs looks pretty close to paradise to me... Kahakuloa, Maui.

Sunrise. 86 degrees. 90% humidity. One doesn’t sleep easy in the Arkansas delta in mid-summer. Camping. Lake Chicot State Park, Arkansas.

Some of my favorite images invite you into them. Shall we go for a walk down a country lane on this summer's eve? The air is still and evening cool, thick with the scent of fresh cut hay. Bells on the dairy cows beckon in the distance. South of Hygiene, Colorado.

Deep in the backcountry of the Ozark Mountains, near a wide bend in the Buffalo River.

An ancient stump mirrors a thunderhead building over the Mississippi coast. Horn Island, Mississippi.

A walk in the foothills of the Rockies on an early winter's evening. Near Lyons, Colorado.

The granite spine of the Sangre de Cristo Range rises to form the eastern wall of Colorado's San Luis Valley, an area sufficiently grand in scale that the entirety of the state of Connecticut and its 3.6 million inhabitants would fit comfortably within it. Much of the San Luis Valley, by comparison, has a population density of exactly zero. Great Sand Dunes National Park lies just to the south, quietly plucking sand grains from the wind as it rises against the shoulder of the Sangres.